A patriotic sports drama genre movie Gold starring Akshay Kumar, Kunal Kapoor, Amit sandh Sunny Kaushal, Vineet Singh already had a huge starcast then news came that TV actress Naagin fame Mouny Roy made her Bollywood in the movie. Now reportedly Gold will see one more TV actress Nikita Dutta, stepping into the big screen. Nikita Dutta is an Indian film and television actress, who is best known for her role of Lakshmi in Life Ok's popular daily series Dream Girl-Ek Ladki Deewani Si. It was her debut show but she impressed the viewers with her amazing acting skills. She made her Bollywood debut with 2014 film Lekar Hum Deewana Dil. She also get more popularty with Sony TV's show Ek Duje Ke Vaaste. According to a report the actress has been signed opposite Sunny Kaushal in the Reema Kagti directorial. Nikita joined the team in Amritsar as London schedule of ...
Hope its rumours? Akshay Kumar should not do this remake as it was made other languages and available in hindi dubbed version ,watched by many audiences
ReplyDeleteAnd already has movies like 2.0 GOLD MOGHUL PADMAN KESHAR CRACK
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ReplyDeleteWhatever the matter whether it is remake or not but movie is based on social awareness and changes the orthodox opinion of ancestors that is good!
ReplyDeleteWaiting for officially confirmation