Bollywood actor Ajay Devgan is back again second time in year after under-performer of Baadshaho. This time for the trailer of fourth installment of Golmaal franchise,Golmaal Again releasing on 20th octor on festival of Diwali same time Aamir's Secret Superstar releasing. Golmaal Again, which is the fourth installment of the franchise directed by Rohit Shetty, also stars Ajay Devgan, Tabassum hashmi (Tabu), Parineeti Chopra, Arshad Warsi, Shreyas Talpade, Kunal Kemmu , Tussar Kapoor , Johny Lever ,Sanjay Mishra and Mukesh tiwari. This star cast is like adding lough riot in any movie like it did earlier movies of this franchise. The team recently released the trailer of movie.
Lets discuss about the trailer and its box office performance.Saw the trailer and its sure movie is 100% horror comedy (rare genre in Bollywood). In my first impression it scores well as its brand franchises and adding Rohit Shetty name to it will money spinner for sure . Locations shown in the trailers is worthy to watch same time not a single shot in trailer where one should lough. And considering all segments trailer is not that level what everyone is expected from it. Now catchy promos and attractive songs may help to movie to ensure hit to super hit verdict.
Ten years is a long time to carry on a sequel & exceptions from the trailer are too high whereas it can't meet the same.One gets the feeling that Golmaal Again will be a super hit unless Rohit Shetty, the writer, comes out with a weak story.
Considering the festive realese ,A brand franchise and Rohit Shetty film expections from Golmal Again is too high depsite above average responce from traler. Here my box office prediction considering all facts like starcast brand frachise festival realese and ofcourse Rohit Shetty name etc.
SCREENS: 2900-3000 (predicted )
1 day 20th October Friday -14 crores ( if Secret Superstar pick up well then 12cr releasing one day earlier)
Day 2 21th October saturday -16 crores ( if friday WOM is good unless same 14cr as friday)
Day 3 22th October -17 crores
Day 2 23th October -09 crores
Day 2 24th October -08 crores
Day 2 25th October -07 crores
Day 2 26th October -09 crores (chhat puja in Bihar Ajay Devgan had good record there)
First Weened Collection -44-48 crores
First Week Collection -75-80 crores
Life Time Collection -100-115 crores
This prediction is made on considering the festival released date and trailer , it will change after promos and songs arrival.
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